Tension Headaches

Targeting Muscle Tension and Postural Strain.


Tension Headaches

Stress, muscle tension, and poor posture are often the root causes of tension headaches. Castle Chiropractic provides relief through manual therapy, focusing on releasing tight muscles and improving posture.


This approach is especially beneficial for patients who experience headaches due to long hours at a desk or using digital devices.


Symptoms of tension headache pain can be:

  • Dull, Aching Pain:

    This pain can be felt across the forehead, temples, or back of the head, often described as a constant, mild to moderate discomfort.

  • Tightness or Pressure:

    A sensation of tightness or pressure that feels like a band around the head, often accompanied by neck and shoulder tension.

  • Tenderness:

    Pain may be exacerbated by touch, particularly in the scalp, neck, or shoulder muscles, which may also feel tense and knotted.

  • Mild Sensitivity:

    Patients may experience a slight sensitivity to light or sound, but this is generally less intense than with migraines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tension headaches can be caused by stress, muscle tension, or poor posture, and your chiropractor can help identify contributing factors.

Chiropractic adjustments may relieve muscle tension and improve spinal alignment, which can help reduce the frequency of tension headaches.

Maintaining good posture, taking breaks from screen time, and managing stress can be beneficial strategies.

In order to address your condition we use a bespoke program of chiropractic adjustments and techniques designed to increase mobility, decrease inflammation, and promote healing.

A comprehensive rehabilitation, incorporating strengthening and mobility exercises, will help prevent any relapses or further issues.

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